Achievement Testing

We provide assessment testing for all our students. We use the Northwest Evaluation Association. NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) are state-aligned computerized adaptive assessments that provide accurate, useful information about student achievement and growth. The testing are done online by computer. This is our first year to use this testing service. With this type of testing we can test more often, at least twice a year, see growth, and get results instantly. Our main testing will be done in April and May. The testing is done from any PC or MAC. We send the testing instructions to the parent/guardian and they proctor the tests and oversee their student taking the test on-line. Test items dynamically adjust to a student’s performance level, and as a result, test scores are more accurate. These MAP tests provide highly accurate results that can be used to:

  • Identify the skills and concepts individual students have learned.
  • Diagnose instructional needs.
  • Monitor academic growth over time.

The assessment itself is unique in that it adapts to the student’s ability, accurately measuring what a child knows and needs to learn. In addition, MAP tests measure academic growth over time, independent of grade level or age. Most importantly, the results educators receive have practical application to teaching and learning.